A Long History Widgeting
Lwidget has a long and storied history, even for a company just 20 years old!
Everyday we have people coming to us to solve their widget needs. Whether it's Business, Personal, or Investor needs you've found the right place for all the widgetting you could possibly need.
Started by L.Ron Widget in 2000, lwidget started in responce to the dot-com bust. With no widgets to be found anywhere, the market was ripe for the picking and LRW filled that need. Now, we've deployed more than one million widgets across every possible market... and we're aiming for one billion by the end of 2025.
That's why, when our customers come to us, we can say... We Have a Widget to Solve That!
Values Your Can Trust
At LWidget, our customers trust is our most valuable asset. We're committed to promise our clients the following:
- Transparency: The promise that you know what you're getting before you get it.
- Accountability: If something is wrong, we fix it.
- On Demand Customer Support: Friendly, knowledgable widget reps to answer your questions.
- The highest quality custom widgets: Only the best custom designed widgets in the industry. Period.